Top 5 Mistakes made by parents while organizing their first baby event

Top 5 Mistakes made by parents while organizing their first baby event

Top 5 mistakes in Rice Ceremonies/Birthday Parties    

Wait !! My baby is turning ONE  !!!
She was like just born yesterday! and already half a year passed  !!!
So.. Sleepless nights anniversary is here :D

These feelings are amazing and so as to organize events on these landmark dates. Parents dream to make it larger than life for their kids. Organizing parties, events are fun only if you are cautious about certain areas before hand. Else any parties with babies may surprise you with a lot different ways. Here are some common mistakes to avoid while organizing the first baby event..  


1. Follow Baby's schedule, not Yours

The key to any successful event is managing the time effectively.
While planning for their child’s big event, parents often overlook the key factor which can make or break the day i.e., Baby’s daily schedule.

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Always plan the party keeping your child’s feeding and nap time in mind. For example, if your child is more active during the daytime then go a for a lunch party. Or if he/she enjoys more in the evening then an evening event would be ideal. Plan the breaks appropriately to feed and give him/her proper rest.
At the end of the day the day is all about the baby. If he/she is happy then these golden memories will be captured beautifully and cherished forever. The last thing anyone would want is a cranky baby with a complete messed up schedule.

2. Burdened With Duties

To make the event perfect parents often like to have full control and do not delegate. Inevitably this can be a perfect recipe of disaster.

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A small tip to all the young parents out there would be to share the responsibilities of every important area e.g., decorations, food, managing gifts etc. so that the whole event can be executed smoothly without delay. This will make sure that every single thing doesn’t need your intervention.

3. Wrong Venue selection

Babies usually get cranky in an overcrowded place. So, select the venue for the event keeping the guest count in mind.


Always remember till now your baby has been surrounded only with familiar faces. And meeting new people can be overwhelming for him/her. Hence, it may be a wise decision to go for a bigger venue if the guest count is high so that during the peak hours too baby does not feel stuffy.

4. Wrong dress selection

Another small tip for the parents, dress your babies in comfortable clothing. 

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It is completely understandable that you want your child to look best that day and this often leads to choosing fancy clothes with lots of ruffles and flares. But the baby might not be comfortable in it which can ruin his/her mood.
So always choose comfortable yet stylish clothes for your baby to help him/her enjoy the event.

5. Less planning

Be prepared with backups and follow ups.


Follow up with your decoration vendors, food vendors, makeup artists, photographers ahead of time so that everything goes by plan and no last-minute hick ups or delay occurs.
Gently follow up with your guests too so that you have clear idea about the actual size of the gathering.
Be ready with multiple back up clothes and accessories keeping the unpredictable nature of babies in mind. If needed look for a backup caregiver for that day so that you can fulfil your other responsibilities too.

Be kind to share this with anyone you know is planning to organize a baby event. Let's help new parents to avoid hindrances and smoothly organize fun filled baby events. :)

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